The PPCS Reward Points Program allows you to earn points for certain actions you take on this site. Points are awarded based on making purchases and customer actions such as submitting reviews, answering customers posted questions and sharing on social media.
Here's a brief summary of our program....
Points will be added to your reward balance after buying product by completely checking out with the order. Canceled orders or returned products will result in removal of awarded reward points for that specific transaction.
- First order for new customers and then points for all orders thereafter.
- Sign up our newsletter ( Note subscribing and then unsubscribing will lose the reward!...sorry).
- Earn Points by posting, sharing and following PPCS on ALL the major Social Media sites. ( Note subscribing/following and then unsubscribing/un-following will lose the reward!...sorry).
- Do a MEANINGFUL product review. Please write a review with a few details and using a few sentences. It doesn't have to be long but it has to actually help a customer with information on your experience with the product!
- Answer a customer product question with a meaningful and detailed answer. Again, it does not need to be necessarily long but it has to provide enough detail to actually answer the question and help.
**Important Notice:
Reward point program can be changed or ended at any time. PLEASE do not abuse the program!