Miscellaneous Fees

This is the place where you can pay for miscellaneous products, custom work, adjustments to an order or other unique situations or something that is not listed on this website. Please only use this product if you have emailed us and we have quoted you a price or given you an amount to pay for an add-on or correction. This product has an equivalency of $1 US dollar for Quantity = 1. For example, you need to pay %50 for your custom project, in this case you would put "50" in the quantity box to equal $50 due. There is also a comment box listed for this product and this is to describe in detail what you are paying for. Again, please do not use this to order anything unless we have given you specific instructions otherwise we will have to just refund it. If you have any questions on how to use this or when, please email, chat or call us.

Miscellaneous Fees

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About our Inventory

Due to high demand, occasionally some of our products do go out of stock. We are constantly monitoring our stock levels, and we usually expect to replenish any product line within a couple of weeks. If you have placed a pre-order for an item that is out of stock and it looks like it will take longer than expected to get it to you.