Featured Products
What makes for a featured product here at PPCS? Well, it's not always an expensive product or one with bling overload but, products we feel merit an extra look by you our customers. Our featured products are usually chosen because they support the latest greatest processors, video cards and other system components. Our featured products are also usually a good bang for the buck meaning we feel they are fair priced for what they offer. So check through our featured products selection and see what you might be overlooking. We do a lot of the legwork for you to narrow down this product selection, our Featured Products!

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About our Inventory
Due to high demand, occasionally some of our products do go out of stock. We are constantly monitoring our stock levels, and we usually expect to replenish any product line within a couple of weeks. If you have placed a pre-order for an item that is out of stock and it looks like it will take longer than expected to get it to you.