Extractors, Crimpers, & Cutters

Planning on making your own cables or just need to get those connectors off so you can sleeve your cables? Well here are all the tools you could need to get the job finished. Here at PPCS we carry all sorts of pin extraction tools for Molex, ATX style SATA, fan pins and more. We also carry various terminal crimping tools and snips, cutters and other hand tools. Check it out, our tool offerings should be everything you need to successfully repair or create any computer cable.

Extractors, Crimpers, & Cutters

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Due to high demand, occasionally some of our products do go out of stock. We are constantly monitoring our stock levels, and we usually expect to replenish any product line within a couple of weeks. If you have placed a pre-order for an item that is out of stock and it looks like it will take longer than expected to get it to you.