It begun as a hobby; a group of engineering students in search of silence. With computers running twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, the noise was more than a nuisance. It was an absolute burden. But this was 1995 and your average mainstream computer processor was barely consuming 20 watts...under full load. Silent computing was still in its infancy, but of course, our guys were working to perfect it. What had originally begun as a hobby...turned into an obsession.
Airflow was measured, temperature gradients studied, simulations and testing ensued. The original designs were crude, but then again, even the greatest have to begin somewhere. With electronics getting hotter and hotter with each generation, someone had to step up to fight the noise. And that, we did. Our products made way into recording studios and sound labs around the world. Then came the inquiries from individuals wanting the same in their personal computers. Well...our next decision put smiles on their faces.

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Due to high demand, occasionally some of our products do go out of stock. We are constantly monitoring our stock levels, and we usually expect to replenish any product line within a couple of weeks. If you have placed a pre-order for an item that is out of stock and it looks like it will take longer than expected to get it to you.